How To Set Your Goals

Julie Shenkman
Posted by in Career Advice

We know that goal setting is very important for setting up our direction and finally shaping our life. It is however not known to many people that the goals need to be set in the right way otherwise they will not be effective. In this article, we will talk about the importance of the goals and how we can set the goals for our future success. In addition, we will talk about the way to enhance the chance of achieving goals. Before we go to goal setting, we need to understand why we need goal. How important is goal setting to our life. The answer is that it is very important. Goal setting is so important to the direction in life that we can not be successful if we do not have goals. Leading life without the goals is similar to sailing without a compass. We will not know which direction we are heading. We will not know when and where we are going to end up with. We will not know our destiny. We will leave our life depending upon the environment and the plan other people, the one that have the goals of his own, has made. In real life, we might die only a few days after we have lost our compass while we sail in the ocean. If goal setting is so important, why do only few people have goals? We learned that majority of people in this world do not come from a family that have goals. They did not learn goal setting in any places in their world and they do not see the important of it. Besides, their parents have never told them the importance of the goal and they lead live like their parents did or are doing. They do not even believe that all successes come from goal setting. In order to be able to set effective goals, we need to do some homework to find out what we need first. Goal setting without enough motivation to achieve it is like not setting goal at all. Our brain will deny doing things to achieve the goals because we do not see the necessity in our mind. And all things start with the mind. Goal setting is like any other meaningful activity. It needs discipline and hard working to make it and review it. What we need to check so that we can be good at goal setting are the following. What we like most? What we want to do if we will not have to work for the rest of our life? What we want to do if we do not earn from what we are doing? The answers of these questions will reveal what we want in life and will enable us to have enough reasons for our goals. After we know the reason, we need to write the goals down in paper. Do not just have goals in mind. It will not last. Goal setting will not have any meaning if you just put it in the air and do not want to do anything. Writing down your goals will enhance your possibility of achieving them by five times. Do not ignore this important step. The best time to write down your goal is when you have most powerful mind power which is either before going to bed or immediately after you wake up. The number of goals that you set up will depend on what area you need to concentrate on. The best number of goals should be around twenty for short term and fifty for long term. Keeping the goals with you will help you remind the purpose of them and the steps to follow through. Regularly visualize yourself achieving the goals will be another process to follow. It will attract the situation and attributes to help us being closer to our goals according to the law of attraction. Make sure that you make enough visualization daily and if you need, you can add the accelerated music to the process.

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  • elizabeth s
    elizabeth s
    its good to have goals.good article to read thank you
  • Rose S
    Rose S
    How do you set goals, when you don't have available means?   Currently I need a full time permanent job.  Without a job and money I cannot achieve any material goals that are needed to live emotionally and spiritually.  I do not have a job, own my own home, I don't have family, I am in financial arrears.  Although as everyone else in this age, procuring a full time job that pays enough money for you to live on your own is almost fatal.Where does one start to form a goal with this baggage?
  •  Marvin S
    Marvin S
    Setting goals is a major tool.  Setting goals as mentioned in the article helps enhance our focus on where we are going, where we want to end up are contributing factors for our journey.  I was moved by the article and I am rejuvenated...
  • Nirmala M
    Nirmala M
    Thanks for the information about setting a goal which you can achieve and write on a piece of paper. What area you need to concentrate on or regularly visualize yourself achieving the goals. I didn't know how you set a goal and follow through all these steps. I missed and failed with my goal is it possible to continue do it again?
  •  Carol Ann M
    Carol Ann M
    It all makes sense to me.  Plus, again, it is positive and spurs one on.
    hii am very much impress.with out goal nobody can do any thing.i am totally agree with you
  • Jeteree H
    Jeteree H
    Your article was informative.  I knew that goal setting was important but I did not know that I actually needed to write them down on paper.  Thanks...knowledge is so very important!
  • Joyce E
    Joyce E
    At first I thought, "Here I am 63 years old - why should I set goals".  Then I remembered something I heard several years ago that goes something like, "I would love to do so-and-so but it will take five years".  Then someone asks, "If you do not do s0-and-so where will you be in five years?".  I hope that makes sense.  So, I am taking the attitude that no matter how old you are goals are a GOOD thing.  I may be lucky enough to live another 20 years and if I accomplish what I would like I would die happy!!!    See - there I go - Trying to correct something I have nothing to do with - Have a good one!!!
  • Paul C
    Paul C
    Thank you for your information you sent me. It's very good.
    i am moving to cape canaveral fl in november 2012 and im trying to find a job before i go (any job) thank you, George
  • Thomas D
    Thomas D
    Failing to plan is planning to fail, or so I've been told...
  • Mashud laskar
    Mashud laskar
    thanks a lot .. it is the real mental support and great motivation technique.
  • Salam M.
    Salam M.
    Thank you,good artical.
  • Angelita Medicielo
    Angelita Medicielo
    I will now set my goal and thank you so much for the information  
  • Fitsum Kebede
    Fitsum Kebede
    The article made an interesting read. I like it as it explains why some goals are reached and some not. 'Preparation' and 'motivation' are important to setting and achieving ones goals.
  • Martin B.
    Martin B.
    That was very helpful. Thank You
  • Brian
    Thanks!  Goal setting is a very important exercise.  They also need to be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound)--   These tips also help to make sure you do not become frustrated by an exercise that is supposed to help!  Thanks again.
  • Myron Fleming-Wasp
    Myron Fleming-Wasp
    I admire How To Set Your Goals, because sometimes we don't exactly know what to do or which direction to go in first of all when I opened this website it says the first thing a employee looks at is your credit. Thank you. My goal is to clean my credit and clear up what ever is on there to stop me from getting a job. Thank you
  • yudha
  • Elmer Reyes
    Elmer Reyes
    I like this article. It is so true, Without any goals in our life will be meaningless we will never get anywhere.
  • Tom
    Goals. Yes I have had many over the last forty plus years. Reaching them is the problem.
  • German Naranjo
    German Naranjo
    thanks for this article
  • Nancy-Jean Di Pietro
    Nancy-Jean Di Pietro
    I understand the concept of Goals have been on maintance program for weight loss for several years now.  The problem I have is the "Babyboomer" sitgma that I have been experiencing. It thas caused to me to present a Resume that only shows my career history from 1994, when I returned back to the job market.  My background is very diversified, and I have made mentioned of the "Older" Experience that is not shown on my resume, in my Cover Letter. If I put in the dates, the preception from H.R. Recruiters is, Applicatant will not fit. Babyboomers are the new Minority and Ageism is extremely difficult to prove.
  • Darla Massie-Venson
    Darla Massie-Venson
    that was so informational. Growing up with a single parent who just live day to day without goasl. Now I see how important it is to set some especially with having children. I will break that cycle and teach mine to set goals and achieve them, first it starts with me. Thank you.

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